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We are Frederick

Empowering tomorrow’s leaders.

Fostering Wisdom for a Brighter Future.

We are Frederick

Building a Stronger Community in West Baltimore.

We are Frederick

We Are Frederick!

Frederick Elementary (FES), located in West Baltimore, is part of a network of neighborhood charter schools operated by the Baltimore Curriculum Project (BCP) and focused on improving public education in Baltimore City.

We’re experts in educating young children.

As an elementary school only, everything we do—academics, social emotional learning, and afterschool—is tailored to Pre-K-5 learners. We meet your child’s needs and embrace their gifts to create the best foundation for a strong future.

What Makes Us Unique

We believe that learning is more than just what happens in the classroom. It’s about how we connect with ourselves, each other, and the world around us to face the challenges of today. Our approach to learning is guided by three important values: WISDOM, LEADERSHIP, and COMMUNITY.

We use the Habits of Mind to guide how we work together. These habits are based on our key values and encourage us to always do our best and support each other.

Read Our Habits of Mind

Frederick Elementary School At-a-Glance

Pre-K to 5th

State-of-the-art, renovated facilities

Restorative Practice

Afterschool clubs and activities

Customized learning for each student

Community School

Baltimore Curriculum Project charter school since 2017

Our Symbology

The Adinkra symbols of Ghana are timeless. These visual symbols, originally created by the Akan people of Ghana, represent concepts or original thoughts that were viewed as essential aspects of life and the surrounding environment. The Wisdom Knot symbolizes the foundation for Frederick Elementary, while additional Adinkra symbols represent school structures and programs.


An especially revered symbol of the Akan, this symbol conveys the idea that “a wise person has the capacity to choose the best meeans to attain a goal.


This symbol is said to have played an inspiring role in the designing of other symbols. it signifies the importance of playing a leadership role.


This represents the bond or knot that binds parties in a dispute to a peaceful, harmonious reconciliation. It is a symbol of peacemaking after strife.

Statement of Purpose

At Frederick Elementary School, we educate and develop future leaders to use wisdom in solving complex problems and leading change, for themselves and their communities.

City Schools wants to hear from you!
Every year, we ask you to let us know what’s going well at your school and the district and where we could do better.

Please take the annual family survey to share your feedback.

Click Here to Take The Survey


Your thoughts, experiences, and ideas have been invaluable and will help us effectively support our students’ success and plan for next school year. Your voices matter!

If you have questions or need any support, please email or visit

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